0/500V PVC Insulated electric Wire
Power Cable
Power cables are mainly used for power transmission and distribution purpose. It is an assembly of one or more individually insulated electrical conductors, usually held together with an overall sheath. The assembly is used for transmission and distribution of electrical power. Electrical power cables may be installed as permanent wiring within buildings, buried in the ground and run overhead or exposed.……Including: rubber cable, welding cable, URD cable, XLPE insulated power calbe etc.
Bare Overhead Conductor
Bare Overhead Conductors are used in overhead transmission and distribution network applications.They are also used for un-insulated hook ups, jumpers, grounding conductors and other applications. Our Conductors conform to ASTM, IEC, BS, BS EN and DIN standards.…… Including: AAC conductor, AAAC conductor, ACSR conductor, ACAR conductor, AACSR conductor, etc.
Aerial Bundled Cable
Aerial bundled cables (also aerial bundled conductors or simply ABC) are overhead power lines using several insulated phase conductors bundled tightly together, usually with a bare neutral conductor. Our abc calbe conform to ASTM, IEC, SANS standards.……Including: abc cables, cvered line wire, service drop wire etc.
Engineering Instruments – Edutek Instrumentation
Manufacturer of Engineering Instruments – Gas Absorbtion Column, Batch Enzyme Reactor, Chemical Reactor Training Equipment and Distribution Trainer offered by Edutek …
Circuit-Zone.com – Electronic Projects
I finally got round to making my capacitor ESR tester this week after finding a nice simple 5 transistor version. Unfortunately, for me, the design was only SMD so, I …
Electronic Projects – redrok.com
Electronic Projects mostly associated with solar power. … With these requirements in mind, and some others, I decided on a variation of National Semiconductors …
苏州茂海 专业销售之钢铁行业产品节录
富士变频器说明书_图文_百度文库 – wenku.baidu.com
富士变频器说明书_电力/水利_工程科技_专业资料. 暂无评价|0人阅读|0次下载 |举报文档. 富士变频器说明书_电力/水利_工程 …
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